• Handbells

    Led by our handbell director, Rory Powell, St. Paul’s handbells provide wonderful worship music and special concerts featuring both the Celebration Bells and the Introit Ringers! Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings. Interested in becoming involved in bells or want more information about our Handbell groups or upcoming concerts? Contact Rory rory.powell@stpaulgp.org.

  • Choir

    Director Eric Miller leads the choir as they contribute beautiful choral music to our worship and special occasions. Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 8:30am before worship. Interested in becoming involved with choir? Contact Eric at eric.miller@stpaulgp.org.

  • Worship Leaders

    There are numerous ways to get involved with worship and ALL AGES are welcome! Lectors (readers), communion assistants, assisting ministers and ushers…all help to create a welcoming and meaningful worship every Sunday! Want to get involved with worship? Contact Pastor at krister.ulmanis@stpaulgp.org.